Alexander Popel about HRMNY
Working with HRMNY has been an absolute pleasure, and I’m so glad I had the chance to use their product. The Team Analytics service has provided me with invaluable insights on my potential strengths and cautions, so I’m all set to step in and manage accordingly. I’ve received answers to my questions, along with unobvious expert tips, and practical recommendations for managing my team.
Now that I have a better understanding of the current team members' roles, strengths, and opportunities, as well as the reasons for the issues that exist, I see how things can be done better and faster. Team Analytics insights demonstrated how we can improve our performance by using a delicate and smooth approach.
I know what to do and what to avoid regarding my entire team and specific team players. We seem to have really made up for our needs thanks to HRMNY. That said, we are going to take all the advice and recommendations to make our team mechanisms work with renewed vigor.
Alexander Popel
Head of Bunker, a trader of marine fuels and lubricants